The message
from "Bernard Burton" contains these words:
Nice image of some pretty impressive convection in your area Dave
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Satellite images at:
"Dave Wheeler" wrote in message
Fair Isle Wednesday 28th
Time Wind direction/mean pressure
1040 350deg 27kt
1045 350deg 19kt 994.8mb
1100 340deg 14kt
1115 340deg 22kt 991.8
1145 330deg 34kt gst 47kt
1150 020deg 32kt 993.7
1200 030deg 29kt
1210 020deg 24kt 995.0
FAIR ISLE WMO Station Number 03.008 Grid ref HZ 210712
Elevation Barometer 61.0 metres Raingauge 56.7 metres
Lat. 59° 31.61' North Long. 1° 37.74' West
Fair Isle at and forecast
Brilliant images Bernard - one for the wall methinks!
Interesting 'comma' swirl to the NNE - wonder what tonight has in store
for us!