email attack?
In article , dated Sun, 15 May
2005, "Keith (Southend)" wrote
Kate Brown wrote:
Is it just me, or is anyone else getting major email attacks? I had
over 3000 about ten days ago and it seems to be beginning again. The
pattern is consistent: they are all addressed to
and they all come from
rubbishnames (ie something like 8DJsNICFwn) at another domain, often
another demon one, but always a domain belonging to a contributor to I've had hundreds from something purporting to be
Mike Tullett, for example, and one of today's batches comes from
I'm not accusing anybody of spam attacks! Other batches come from
giganews and, so in fact, it looks as if there's a
problem in Germany somewhere. Turnpike bounces everything
automatically, so I haven't actually looked at any of them - some of
last week's carried viruses, but today's batch are just URL carriers.
Has anyone else had anything like this?
That's one hell of a lot of e-mails. I had the + sober
virus last week, probably about 100, however, that's all stopped now,
and funnily enough that was via a account, not any others.
Sounds to be like you are getting SPAM which may have been harvested
via a spy ware trogan or something, hence using names that you are
familiar with.
Do you use 'Search & Destroy' and 'AdAware' on top of your virus
software (Norton or AVG)?
yes, both of them, every week, and Etrust antivirus updated every day.
I don't think it's me that's infected , or the pattern would be
different in addition, I ran everything yesterday, so this morning's
infestation is not likely to have come from me). It may be some
infernal combination of the newsgroups I subscribe to plus the fact I've
been in newsgroups for years, but I still think there's a connection
with the Berlin server somewhere.
Kate B
PS 'elvira' is spamtrapped - please reply to 'elviraspam' at cockaigne if you want
to reply personally