Farewell Synoptic Charts(BBC)/Philip Eden
So they have gone..but I am sure it will not be long before some of
the 'old'presenters leak a few comments?
I recall how certain presenters would point to( with a degree of
excitement) a developing depression, isobars increasing in number and
giving a 'dartboard' appearance - will this now present problems?
I also noticed yesterday evening how (as I anticipated, having looked
at the FNMOC site) later this week a low would spread its frontal rain
across the country, so you can imagine my surprise when,as the
presenter said 'rain would sweep across the country from the south
west' a blob of rain started at Land's End( not to the west), grew,
and then moved SW to NE. I thought this was bizarre. By this morning (
I use the Full Weather Index as seldom able to view scheduled
forecasts after the news) it had changed to a clearly band moving up
from France/Channel.
But the disappearance of synoptics has to be a major disappointment
and all my colleagues at work who have an interest in the weather(
about 8) will be commenting today.It is very clear that a decision has
been made to simplify, but in an instant they have swept away all
those who have a slightly more learned interest
Have forecast radar bands also gone - with the different colours
giving,vividly, an idea of intensity, especially with relief effect?
And the puddles that appear on the country - are these because the
intensity of rain cannot now be realised?
It is certainly a very very sad situation. I wonder whether Philip
Eden might be making a feature of this in his Sunday Telegraph Weather
A very sad Robin
ps: might get my local Radio Station to comment