Solent: first day with snow lying at 9 am for 5 years.
We've just achieved a relative rarity down here in Fareham, I don't
keep continous records but putting various heads together it appears
to be the first "official" day with snow lying for 5 years, possibly
6. Cover is currently at 100% with 1 to 2 cm level depth and drifts to
7 cm. It's the same all the way down to the Solent Coastline.
The last time this happened, it first snowed in the early morning and
was all gone by evening. So this one will beat it for longevity.
I achieved my lowest minimum of the Winter last night at -2.4 deg C.
Currently -0.1 deg C so, soon, the (ungritted) side streets will start
to get slushy.
Fareham Hampshire.