Hi Dave,
The cold front yesterday produced absolutely no snowfall here on the Wash
coast (Holbeach St Matthew) - the wind did turn NNW'ly with it's passing,
and the temperature dropped from +1.1c to -1.1c in 15 minutes...
I guess I shouldn't be greedy though, the snow overnight on Tuesday produced
13cm level in just 2 hours - still 10cm of the crunchy stuff left...
"Dave Ludlow" wrote in message
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 07:51:49 +0000, SarahH
Well, that's THAT particular example of overhyped nonsense over and
with. We DID have a little bit of snow, it DID get a tad colder for a
and the usual disruption and chaos HAS ensued. It's winter and this is
U.K. - only to be expected, really. Perhaps now we can all get back
normal again.
Well at least for most of us it did happen in spectacular fashion.
Sarah H
What was so amazing for me was that almost everyone from the Midlands
to the South Coast experienced exactly the same spectacular (and
unusual) series of events. Further North, it may not have been exactly
the same but it was also spectacular, from all accounts. Thank
goodness for the online snowfall radar!
Once the single line convection had formed, it became completely
predictable, almost to the minute and hardly anyone was let down by
it. I can't remember this happening before - they almost always fizzle
out, turn to rain or the snow quickly melts. I even managed to get
down to -2 deg C last night, for the first time this Winter.
Oh, and what a wonderful scene outside this morning...and what a day
it was, for all of us eternal schoolboys... and girls! 