-6C last night after that dramatic cold front. We have now around 6 inches
of snow here in S Cambridgeshire making this the heaviest accumulation since
February 1991.
I think it is fair to say we got our money's worth with this cold spell,
and with regard to the forecasts the independent ones such as Metcheck
proved the best.
I can't forget BBC Look East on Monday lunchtime saying "not as much as
we thought". "I think most places will only get a dusting of snow"!!?. I
mean really. What is that for goodness sake? No wonder the BBC have been
given some stick on the Hutton Enquiry. They say what suits them.
If you want a decent weather forecast then turn to the Internet and look
at Metcheck and TWO.
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Gavin Staples.
website updated regularly
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click on my site, and then click on the Darwin Lecture series link.
Politicians and babies nappies should be changed frequently, and for much
the same reason.~ Anon.
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