A friend who lives a couple of roads from me told me that last nights
squall snapped a large conifer in half in her garden and knocked over
her bird table. I realise that the winds were strong and gusty but I
didn't think they were that strong. Ive been for a walk this morning and
I cant see any other damage round the area. Is it possible that this was
some sort of down draft or something else with a more technical name?
Very icy roads and paths this morning. Currently -0.2C
Sarah H - Fleet Hampshire
Downdrafts from the Cb clouds at the head of the cold front are possible.Also,the front was quite
sharp and the updrafts into the front wld account for gustness observed.Cold air intrusion behind
the front is another source.Gravity current heads can be very turbulent as well ,see my post in
reply to Rich Dixon
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