"Dougie" wrote here on 28 Jan
Fortunately - for the 12 year old kid turning blue with an
asthamatic attack - my service provided me with a 4x4 vehicle
which allowed us to get oxygen and a nebuliser in time to save her
I hope you all think snow is fun.
I'm sure I'm one of the few who broke a sweat in these conditions.
Just making the point.
Well... in the first place, I'm delighted that the girl was okay, of
course. In the second, though, this is a group to discuss the
weather, rather than alt.support.asthma , so I do think it's a little
unfair to complain when people talk about weather!
Not that it's anything like as severe, but as it happens I was caught
out medically yesterday as well. I was wearing my thick fleece for a
change (and a good decision that was!), but had forgotten to transfer
my Tegretol tablets (I'm epileptic) into them, so given that it took
five hours to get home, was very overdue for that evening's dose.
True, it's rare that that would lead to a fit on its own, but it
might have done, and yes, I worried about it for a while. I still
wouldn't have preferred not to have the snow, though.
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