More UK silliness (OT)
"dirtylitterboxofferingstospammers" wrote: Said car was at a nice, sharp
angle on the verge and judging
from the Unfocussed driver's face I don't think he wanted his car to be
it was.
Laugh? I nearly pee'd myself laughing. Indeed, I looked smugger than His
Smugness the Rev. Blair of Albion, sanctified of Hutton did yesterday
It's during those moments that you realise there IS a vengeful God.
Something similar happened 5 or so years ago when I was on the A2 and
encountered a souped-up Escort containing 4 yobs, which had suddenly come
up behind me (I was doing 70+ mph) with a fanfare of horns and flashing of
go-faster lights.
As soon as I had finished overtaking the car I was level with, I simply
moved over. I'd held-up Messer's Louts by all of 15 seconds and I hadn't
reacted at all to their behaviour. There then followed 3-4 mins of the
most remarkable display of unprovoked intimidation I've ever witnessed on
a road. They all gave me vigorous"v" signs and mouthed obscenities as
they weaved between the lanes in front of me, alternately and for no
reason braking sharply and then speeding up, before finally speeding away
into the distance.
About 5 mins later, the traffic slowed as we passed the site of an
accident on a bend - to see 4 shaken yobs crawling out through the windows
of an very badly bent and overturned Escort. No other car had been
involved - they'd just lost control and had skidded of the road.
I too have to admit to some very uncharitable feelings as I passed by, but
I did resist the temptation to wave!
- Tom.