BBC Places
I was very dissapointed with the strike, it used to be that when the BBC
went on strike the quality of the programmes improved, but yesterday it
was the same old rubbish.
Peter Hayes wrote:
Dave Liquorice wrote:
On Tue, 24 May 2005 09:36:52 +0100, Peter Hayes wrote:
Oh dear they really are struggling with getting towns in the right
place aren't they. Be quick
No need to rush, it's still wrong 12 hours later.
I think Berwick was a new place on the map, compared to earlier in the
week. At least I haven't noticed it before.
As always, if they can't get the simple details correct it makes the
rest worthless.
Having thought about this a bit more I wonder if it's programming
funny. The names are an overlay on the map and weather symbols. I
suspect there is a bit of software that checks that a name fits within
the image and shifts the name left or right if it doesn't but when it
does so it doesn't shift the blob to the other end of the name. This
would explain why the d of tweed is in about the right place and if
you went right from the the name wouldn't fit.
It did cross my mind that yesterday was strike day at the Beeb so maybe
the producer's 5 year old kid had been drafted in to do the maps.
But seriously, they've probably got a stock of names pre-programmed for
inclusion, and if so then there's some pretty shoddy work.
Are the temps correct? Are the rainfall blobs in the correct place?
Well for today no. Last nights forecast gave the impression with all
the puddles and drops that it would be raining all day. We've had one
short spell of heavy rain and a bit of dampness, not the non-stop
Once they've included glaringly basic errors they've disconnected with
the audience - or at least that much of the audience that spots the