Richard Crighton wrote:
CLEARWELL 260900Z 36001KT 9999 SCT008 OVC018 T+144/D+120 Q10142 +014 RE-RA
09-21 TMAX +207
21-09 TMIN +112 TGRASS +103
00-24 RN 000
Is that better? Does it now conform?
Richard Crighton
Clearwell Gloucestershire
51 46 13N 02 37 29W 140m AMSL
Well, it would if you've got an airport in your back garden and
the observation was intended for airline pilots, but the absence of an
ICAO identifier makes me think this is possibly not the case.
What is the point of all this METARity? Like the new BBC Weather
Graphics it adds nothing. What are the cloud types, for instance?
What does the sky look like? What's the *feel*?
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.