Friday, 27 May 2005
0900 ESE F4 45km - 1/AC 3/AC T227D138
RMK: Low level wind ocnl F5. Considerable directional shear between
surface (ESE) and Ac levels (coming roughly from west or slight south of
west and moving quite smartly); The lowest Ac is floccus - with the
'main' layer high, well-broken; 2 oktas very thin Cirrus above. A fine,
breezy morning.
screen min: 12.0 grass min: 10.0 precipitation: NIL
other data: state of ground dry. ]=
1200 SE F3-4 35km - 1/ACCAST 3/CI T276D156
RMK: Ac Cast base somewhere around 7000/8000ft, with 2 oktas Ac around
3000ft above this. Quite vigorous vertical development, though overall
amount of medium cloud has decreased (from max 5 oktas) during past
hour. Also thin Cirrus, with the sky becoming milkier.
*** Warmest day this site since 8th August last year (when 29.9°C); this
latter figure was our highest for 2004 ***=
1300 SE F3-4 35km RE-SHRA 1/CU T282D156
RMK: A few spots from high-base Cu (or low-base AC CAST) at around
1245Z; the base can't be much below 6000ft! Also present, 2 oktas AC
CAST, 1 okta AC (patchy/thin) and 2 oktas Cirrus. (CAVOK of course)=
1500 SSE F4 30km - 1/ACCAS T300D155
RMK: Wind ocnl F5; Ac flo/cas, with other patchy Ac and thin Cirrus
present (total cloud amount 3 oktas). Otherwise, a very pleasant
afternoon - enough of a breeze to stop it being too oppressive.
*** Now the warmest day since the 'hot spell' in August 2003 ***.=
1800 S F2-3 25km - 1/CI COTRA T282D151
RMK: a 'trace' of Cirrus, mainly ex-COTRA. No other cloud apparent.
Slightly 'milky' sky, and horizon shows signs of a little haze, though
nothing to affect the 'weather'. CAVOK.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 30.2 precipitation: tr
other data: Surfaces dry/baking nicely. As noted above, warmest day
since the August 2003 hot spell. ]=
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)