On Fri, 27 May 2005 18:15:00 +0100, Robin Nicholson
On Thu, 26 May 2005 21:11:44 +0100, Dave Ludlow
BBC South Today sent Alina Jones out into the gaden this evening 
but she still showed animated isobars AND fronts on a North Atlantic
chart this evening, as she did last Friday when I last looked.
Dave- so did you do the original posting about last Friday(which I
have lost). If so,on another thread you will see she is quite
interested to see what is/was being said!
Yes Robin, guilty as charged! I intended to email her but I haven't
yet got round to it, it's been busy week for me. Here's the original
thread, archived at Google Groups:
and if there's any problem with that, let me know. I think she may be
even more interested that Martin agreed with me!
On Fri, 20 May 2005 20:30:22 +0100, Dave Ludlow
Here is a rundown on the BBC regional forecast on South Today this
evening. It lasted 2 minutes, used the new graphics system and I am
hard pressed to think of anything to complain about - so well done,
Alina Jenkins.
[blow-by-blow details snipped]
All the time, the graphics were reinforced by a useful, relevant and
timely commentary by this excellent presenter, who gets 10 out of 10.
This was such a transformation from what I've witnessed on the
National Forecasts all week that I have only two observations to make,
both are minor issues that I think will be put right in time:
1) Change the brown background
2) Improve the appearance of fronts and their junction with isobars -
and add the pressure reading.
However, Alina has managed to address almost every one of my previous
criticisms - and more. Her dialogue was clear, concise and correctly
paced; everything she said reinforced the current graphics display,
which she chose carefully and correctly.
I'm not saying you'd get all that into a National forecast and
certainly not into one minute - but goodness me, she got ALL the
basics right and it would make an excellent starting point for any
budding weather presenter's training course.
Alina, you were BRILLIANT!