A very blustery and wet morning. We drove over to the head of Loch
Fyne (food fair!) and a great quantity of water was cascading off the
hills, more than either of us could remember. Much wetter than here.
At 12:00z:-
8/8 NiSt base c.400 metres.
Temperature 11.1°C falling from a high of 12.1°C at 09:30z. Overnight
low 8.2°C at 00:15z.
Dew point 11.1°C.
RH 100%.
Wind 5 mph gusting to 13 mph, S. Max gust 38 mph, ENE, at 05:30z. The
wind was gusting to over 30 mph for about two hours between 04:45z and
06:30z. This resulted in some tree damage and a foliage covered road.
Barometer 997.2 mb, falling slowly.
Precipitation since midnight 6.8 mm at a maximum rate of 4.8 mm/hr at
Web cam and weather data on line at:-
Alan White
Twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, overlooking Loch Goil and Loch Long in Argyll, Scotland.
Web cam and weather:-
Some walks and treks:-