Freak Radio Conditions
On Mon, 30 May 2005 12:38:23 +0100, "J.Poyner"
In the north of Scotland today we are picking up Spanish radio stations loud
and clear around 90Mhz. I know this is usually due to skipping off the
Ionosphere during daylight but there must be some pretty freak conditions
today to be causing this on these frequencies. Anyone know why?
Isn't it just Sporadic-E
Yesterday (Monday) I was lying in my bed listening to BBC Radio 4's
Today programme on FM when it was suddenly swamped by an Italian
I went to my VHF tuner and it was full of Italian, German and Polish
stations strong enough to produce RDS. I then switched on my TV tuner
to look out for pictures from those countries still transmitting on
VHF (around 50 MHz) and identified pictures from Italy, Spain, Germany
and the Czech Republic.