More UK silliness
On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 08:19:17 +0000 (UTC), "Michael McNneil"
"James Hurrell" wrote in message
Yes.. the old "Series" Land Rovers always seem to have superior off road
ability to their newer cousins... My Series 3 never fails to let me down in
the mud when I go off roading, but ice... that's another thing - 4WD doesn't
seem to help a bit.
It was icy from the start with this spell of snow in Stoke at least.
Walking was difficult. I noticed that a lot of pedestrians were daft
enough to have their hands in their pockets too!
The reason they close the schools when it snows is because the people
who buy those stupid non-off-roadsters are the mums who take their
children to school and extend the rush hour by nearly 2 hours.
Someone obviously realises that these creatures can't drive and if they
could, their vehices are too sad to use.
Salt having no effect in the not all that cold weather, one might ask
what they use in Canadian cities.
They probably close the schools because they fear the chaos / danger
that is likely to occur outside the school - namely all those 4x4's,
MPV etc with idiots at the wheel who are better qualified to drive a
pram or a dinky toy. I never go anywhere near a school from ~2.30pm
to ~4.30pm - to dangerous for ME. After the early morning run, these
idiots then headoff to Tesco's or Sainsbury's and more chaos follows .
By 12.30, they have all f**ked off home leaving it fairly clear for me
to do my 20 min whiz around, getting my groceries