"Ian Currie" wrote in message
Ken, watch your altitude- 830 feet[252 metres}. Your max temperatures
in a
polar airstream with a relatively high lapse rate means several
lower than most people who post in this news group. What for instance
be the max in your area at say 50 metres or 150 feet above sea
level -certainly above freezing. Very few of the observers in the COL
network are this high up.
Hi, Ian,
Thanks for the reply.
The main point I was making was that the lowest max, at whatever level,
would not go into the record books as it occurred at the wrong time i.e.
1230Z to 00z. Temperatures at either side of these times were higher. If
the system had come about 3 hours earlier, it would have probably been a
sub zero max even at low levels.
Best wishes,
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