Januaries that were significantly warmer than the February
Here's a list of Februaries CETs that were significantly lower than
the previous Januaries CETs i.e greater than 2C
The first value is the January CET, the second value is the February
1994 5.3 3.2
1986 3.6 -1.1
1983 6.7 1.7
1975 6.8 4.4
1969 5.5 1.0
1968 4.4 1.9
1956 3.6 -0.2
1947 2.2 -1.9
1944 5.8 3.5
1932 6.3 2.9
1930 5.6 2.5
1921 7.3 4.8
1916 7.5 3.8
1906 5.3 3.1
1902 4.7 1.5
1890 5.7 3.1
1875 6.4 2.3
1873 5.2 1.8
1855 2.4 -1.7
1853 5.1 0.6
1845 3.2 0.9
1844 3.8 1.6
1843 4.0 1.9
1804 5.8 2.9
1796 7.3 4.7
1785 3.4 0.4
1782 5.2 1.9
1765 4.8 0.4
1751 4.0 1.5
1736 6.4 3.1
1711 5.0 2.0
1682 6.0 2.0
1673 5.0 1.5
Source: Two.
My Comments:
I find this quite remarkable and I wish I had
the means to produce info like this. Just look at these differences. They
are significant and I wonder about how what this means with regard to long
range forecasting. Just look at 1853 - a mild January and a really cold
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Gavin Staples.
Horseheath. Cambridge, UK. 93m ASL.
site regularly updated
"Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between
the disastrous and the unpalatable". ~ John Kenneth Galbraith. American
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