Cows have knackered my Davis VP - advice please
Will Hand wrote:
Don't laugh, but the cows in the paddock have chewed through the data cable from
my anemometer.
I had curled up the excess into a ball and rigged up a cover to keep it
protected. A cow apparently managed to dislodge it, revealing the ball of cable
and promptly started to chew through it. the farmer said that that particular
cow was very keen on string and probably thought it was string. So I now have
the problem on how to join the two loose ends, fortunately there is still enough
cable to do that. I have done a lot of household electrics in the past having
re-wired my own house a few years back but have never worked with such fine
cable. There are 4 wires in the cable all very thin, what is the best way to
join them ?
It's standard telephone cable, or at least it is where I am
(Australia). Any of the DIY electronic stores will probably sell
cable, connectors and a cheap crimping tool (mine came from
Radioshack, albeit a long time ago)
FWIW I've already shortened my anemometer cable (by cutting it and
using a new connector) to prevent the likelihood of similar mishaps to
yours... with crows being more likely culprits than cows.
I can probably find an online catalogue which has the necessary bits
if you're unsuccessful at locating them.
John H