There isn't 'nothing but sunshine' at the South Pole, it still has overcast
days, blizzards etc, so perhaps you might choose your words with a bit more
care, Alex.
Rob Overfield
Alex Stephens Jr wrote:
Rather a bizarre table with a stupendous footnote.
I quote:
"The South Pole in Antarctica is the least sunny place on Earth.
182 days out of the year, there is no sunshine - at all."
Of course, for the other 182 days of the year, there is nothing but
sunshine! So, contrary to what this bizarre site states, surely the
South pole must have a good claim to being the most sunny place on
And of course, we all have roughly 183 days worth of darkeness!
It might be good reading Gavin, shame about the quality.
"Gavin Staples" wrote in message
Just in case anyone has not seen this. It makes good reading.
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Gavin Staples.
Horseheath. Cambridge, UK. 93m ASL.
House to Let. For details see on my website.
site regularly updated
"Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing
between the disastrous and the unpalatable". ~ John Kenneth
Galbraith. American economist.
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