You have to laugh. Arctic expedition fails
"Michael Mcneil" wrote in message
An interesting aspect to the salt balance of the arctic ocean is that
the intake of dilute brine must equal the outflow of ice and the deeper
brine, since the density of the sea water under the ice is pretty evenly
35 gm /litre.
So the measure of the outflow of ice each year tells the intake from
the Baltic and environs.
Even I can understand that maths.
It must be wrong.
Yes, it is wrong. The water going out is fresh, but these days, the
water going into the Arctic is salty water originating from the Gulf
Stream. This means that the Arctic Ocean is getting saltier and
hence the ice is melting. Eventually the output from the Arctic will
be salty and there will be a salinity balance, but by then the ice will
have gone :-(
Cheers, Alastair.