George Booth wrote in message
16.3 hours of sunshine today. Sunniest day since I started recording
sunshine in 2002
All the best
George in Epping, West Essex (107m asl)
Hi, George,
Well done. I thought we were going to make the 16 hours on Tuesday but high
cloud thickened up in the evening. Unbroken sunshine seems rare here in
June. In winter it seems quite common especially on a north-westerly.
We got our first 20C yesterday btw. High of 21C, beautiful. It's back
outside now to enjoy the rest of this fine spell, I can see the North Sea
cloud and drizzle coming in to north-east England soon!
(Up the mackems!)
Best wishes,
Ken Cook
Copley (253m, 830ft),
5 miles north of Barnard Castle, County Durham.