When I had my weather station set up in Worcester, Paul's readings would
often be very similar to mine. The Severn Valley area, especially the areas
around Pershore, Worcester, Evesham and Malvern are very often some of the
warmest places in Britain.
Nick G
Exe Valley, Devon
50 m amsl
"Col" wrote in message
"Ken Cook" wrote in message
Paul Hyett wrote in message
I win again! 23.1C here.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham
Hi, Paul,
What's your instrumentation and exposure set-up? Is it all to Met O
standards (they're pretty strict, at least they are with me!). You do
to top the list a lot.
I do recall discussions before on this group that the lower Severn Valley,
Cheltenham/Gloucester-Malvern-Worcester appears to be some kind
of a 'hot spot'. Certainly since my parents moved to Malvern I have
it being the warmest place far more often that I would have thought, given
location in the country as a whole.
Bolton, Lancashire.
160m asl.