Steve Schulin wrote:
June 10, 2005
News Release
Weather Action Long Range Forecasters say:
& 'This lousy weekend - We told you so!
There will be NO SUPERHEATWAVES in Britain this summer announced Weather
Action Long range forecasters this morning in a forthright contradiction
of claims from other quarters publicised last month. "There will be
hotspells - and we know when - but none of them will be long enough to
be record-breakers. Nowhere will reach 101 degF" said Piers Corbyn
astrophysicist of Weather Action. "I am ready to bet with anyone on
this", he said
Well whoop-de-doo, Piers is really putting his neck on the line with
that one.
I'll bet my house we don't get snow in Tokyo this summer either.
You'll have noted that he pointedly refuses to bet on his "climate
forecast" of cooling in coming decades.