One for the gardeners
"Dave.C" wrote in message
. uk...
In my local garden centre I saw a very nice climber which had small
like flowers. I'd not seen it before although it said "grown in the UK
Victorian times". What surprised me was that it said it was "Frost hardy
2C". I would have called that frost tender.
Also, the forecaster on News 24 (Jay?)said that today's rainfall would be
beneficial to gardens in the SE and also help the resevoirs. I wouldn't
thought it would make much difference to either if there is only the
predicted 5-10mm.
In case the name wasn't shown, the plant is called Sollya Heterophylla and
is absolutely beautiful. I grow it in a large pot and just put it inside
in the winter. I would call it a tender plant! People in the south west
of England would probably have it outside all year.
Best wishes
Iris McCanna