Quoting from message
posted on 15 Jun 2005 by Adrian D. Shaw
I would like to add:
Felly sgrifennodd
Alastair McDonald :
The Mediterranean climate belt will move north
into the south of England.
This assumes the above doesn't happen. I suspect all we can say is that
it won't be the same as we're traditionally used to (whatever that is!).
So I can hope for either an olive grove on the side of our mountain, or
a ski resort. Hmm maybe it's not such a bad thing
There were some naturalists on Radio4 the other night (?Monday) becoming
quite excited about the change in flora and fauna, such as the possible
return of the Camberwell Beauty butterfly.
They were eagerly anticipating a rise in temperature - made a change from
the usual doom and gloom merchants.
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