I suspect that if the computer model predictions turn out to be true then
the sea is going to warm dramatically over the next couple of weeks.
I remember that the sea temp when I go surfing at Gwenver Beach nr Sennen
usually only reaches around 16C even in August except for 1990 when I think
it reached the dizzy heights of 21C - am I right? I remember that you didn't
need a wetsuit.
Nick G
Thorverton, Exe Valley, Devon
50 m amsl
"Graham Easterling" wrote in
message ...
Currently (15:00) 19.1 degrees here, misty, 90% humidity, sun just
visible from time to time. To say it's muggy is an understatement.
Still, good conditions for warming the sea up, with no surface
evaporation. Currently sea temperature just over 14 degrees at Sevenstones
(off Land's End) which is normal for the time of year. This time last year
it was around 2 degrees warmer. (That was really exceptional. It actually
cooled again during the late June unsettled spell)
Penzance Weather
Holiday Cottage
"Nigel Paice" wrote in message
Given all the heat available from the sun at this time of year
(just 5 days to go until the longest day), the dry bulb temp
has only climbed a measly 1.2C since 0600Z to +14.9C
(it's now midday UTC). In fact, the dewpoint temp has
been rising faster this morning. The current temp is just
+0.2C above the usual October maximum for Romsey.
Current conditions (at 1150Z):
03//// 11125 82113 10149 20144 40200 51005 60011
75862 887// 333 86702 88704=
EG// 161150Z 21013KT 2500 -RADZ BKN002 OVC004
15/14 Q//// AMB=
wind... SW by S, force 4.
visibility... 2500m (the lowest it's been so fat today).
weather... continuous slight rain and drizzle with mist.
clouds... Stratus at 200ft and 400ft (helped by the buzz of an
invisible low flying aircraft... what's he doing out?).
dry bulb... +14.9C.
dewpoint... +14.4C.
RH... 97%. (it may be very humid, but it feels cool in the breeze).
sea level pressure... 1020mb (rising slowly, now steady).
rainfall last hour... 0.2mm.
rainfall 0600-1200Z... 1.0mm.
beaufort letters... cdorodorom.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire).