Summer forecast for UK: no 101°F highs this year, no superheatwaves, sez Piers Corbyn
In article ,
"Waghorn" wrote:
"Lloyd Parker" "Waghorn""Lloyd Parker"
Most scientific theories hold up quite nicely -- quantum mechanics,
relativity, evolution, plate tectonics, black holes, etc. Please tell
all these scientific theories that have been overturned recently.
In the current context it might be pedantic to point out that all the
theories you quote have 'exotic' or alternative models proposed,many in
peer reviewed literature-
Quantum Mechanics-plethora of interpretations including 'Many
Worlds',Hidden Variables etc.
Interpretations of QM -- they are not competing theories to QM.
and Many Worlds are the 2 major interpretations. Hidden variables
rise to the level of "theory" because there's no evidence for it.
Special Relativity-eg Aether theories , results of Michelson Morley
Not really. M-M disproved aether before Einstein's theories.
Experiment and modern equivalents questioned to this day.
Evolution-Creationism,'Punctuated Equilibrium'.
You're not seriously saying creationism is a scientific theory, I hope.
punctured eq. is a variation of evolution, not a competing theory.
Plate Tectonics-Expanding Earth,Plate Driven Tectonics Vs Plume Driven .
(In theory of the core-the nuclear reactor
Black Holes-Gravstars,Condensate Stars.
All part of the same theory.
Well,I could come back to you on the individual points,but my idea was that
no theory stands alone as an unassailable monolith.
(indeed in the Popperian sense any useful theory has to be refutable).But
good theories withstand attacks from the wings as you imply,though in the
sense of Kuhn some will eventually give way to new paradigms.But,I'm way
the thread.........
Theories that are the cornerstones of science today have been repeatedly
tested and not disproved: atomic theory, evolution, quantum mechanics,
relativity, plate tectonics, to name to most obvious ones. Yes, they are
refined from time to time; yes, they are subject to different ways of
thinking about them; but disproven? No. Science is at the point today
where, by the time something is accorded the status of "theory", it's as
established as anything gets.