Next week's weather beginning 19/06/05
In on Thu, 16 Jun 2005 at 19:26:31, Will Hand wrote :
================================================= ================
This forecast summary is my *PERSONAL OPINION* of how the weather may unfold
next week. I will take no responsibility whatsoever for any actions arising from
its use. It is provided freely in the spirit of freedom and the great love for
meteorology that I personally enjoy and wish to share freely with others.
================================================= ================
On Sunday, hot and humid air will be displaced east during the day by a cold
front. This will trigger scattered thunderstorms, mainly in northern and eastern
That would be just typical - one of the few things to look forward to
about hot weather is the chance of some spectacular weather to end it.
If we're denied that, it's adding insult to injury.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham