"Elaine Jones" wrote in message
I love it Keith. Just had a nice evening in the pub sitting on the benches
outside until 11.45 pm. Thats what I call decent weather:-)
Of a certainty you don't have midges!!!
Too warm for me to sleep, I lay listening to dogs warning each other of
marauding foxes so I got up and spent a few hours running scans on my
Windholes time waster.
Got a trojan too when I went for the pudatoes. Where did that come from?
Might have been a false positive?
What a crock.... effing richest company in the world with the 21st
century's version of small-pox!
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So when the birds started singing I took some apple pieces and an Aldi
sliced loaf out to feed the birds. Do people buy that stuff to eat?
We have swans on the village pond. The greedy buggers can be quite
intimidating. Quite often I have seen them blocking the footpath. They
are like a toll-gate in wellies.
Quite a few midges out last night. What does that foretell?
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I see the bloody BBC hasn't learned yet. It's in for the duration, then!
I half hoped the ITV would have caught on by now but they seem to racing
with their auntie to see who can get down the dumbest before anyone
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Damn but I need my sleep. I'll be running on alcohol and fizzy pop if
this weather won't break.
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