"Waghorn" wrote in message
I agree a jet streak aloft wld have produced very severe weather indeed.
On Monday UKMO suggests the front and plume will become very slow moving
over SE England,
The TAF writer for EGNX and EGBB (East Midlands and Birmingham respectively)
is forecasting the end of the world -
EGNX 190402Z 191206 18012KT 9999 SCT030 PROB40 TEMPO 1201 3000 +TSRA +TSGR
BKN012 BKN020CB BECMG 1821 33012KT BECMG 2124 8000 TEMPO 0106 3000 BR PROB30
TEMPO 0206 1200 BKN006=
EGBB 190402Z 191206 18010KT 9999 SCT030 PROB40 TEMPO 1201 3000 +TSRA +TSGR
BKN012 BKN020CB BECMG 1821 34010KT BECMG 2124 8000 TEMPO 0106 3000 BR PROB30
TEMPO 0206 1200 BKN006=
Both only PROB40, but we shall see....