Thunder east Yorkshire
David Mitchell wrote:
"Andy" wrote in message
On Sun, 19 Jun 2005 19:45:31 +0100, Andy
Rain started at Doncaster at approx 1935.
Thunder / lightning coming from the north-west(?). Fairly frequent
rumblings. Somewhat brighter sky to the west now.
Changes very quickly!
No evidence of brighter skies now.
Rain slashing down and lightning very close.
Terrific display of almost continuous fork lightning here after 1900.
Worst of the storm passed just to the North and West, but somewhere
in the village must have had a direct hit - everything just shook,
quite scary really. Has knocked out my satellite broadband!
Only 1mm rain however. Another storm just coming in from the West.
In that case, I better have a word with my mum and dad then, cos its out in
their direction, David.
Rob Overfield