"Dave Ludlow" wrote in message
BBC TV Weather has been suggesting all evening that the rain/thunder
will run North from Dorset and indeed, that the South Coast East of
Bournemouth may well stay dry for the next 24 hours. The
cloud/rainfall graphics certainly showed that.
However... the cluster of thundery precip has been shifting ENE along
the South Coast for the last 3 hours... and now, radar shows that
activity has reached the West of the IoW with a shower over the North
of Southampton.
As I write, bright sheet lighning is visible to my SW at intervals of
20 to 30 seconds and distant thunder is now faintly audible.
Temperature 20, light winds from I know not which direction after a
long period of calm this evening.
These storms often seem to jump over the immediate Solent area and
relocate over and to the North of the South Downs - I wonder if I'm
going to catch one at last? 
West Fareham, Hampshire.
Hi Dave,
It's certainly turning out to be a fascinating spectacle from a safe
(so far) tonight, that I don't yet have to power down the PC. The wind
seems to be a light NE'ly here in Romsey, perhaps a storm inflow breeze.
Interesting that you mention a rainfall echo north of Soton, for we have yet
to receive any pptn. Is it reaching the ground from this medium-level