Lightning visible, Fareham
On Fri, 24 Jun 2005 00:24:01 +0100, "Nigel Paice"
Hi Dave,
It's certainly turning out to be a fascinating spectacle from a safe
(so far) tonight, that I don't yet have to power down the PC. The wind
seems to be a light NE'ly here in Romsey, perhaps a storm inflow breeze.
Interesting that you mention a rainfall echo north of Soton, for we have yet
to receive any pptn. Is it reaching the ground from this medium-level
Hi Nigel, yes it's been raining lightly for 20 minutes now - and the
lightning is more to my SSW so it's over the Island now. Thunder is
still distant, though. I've known the Island kick these things off
before today - but usually, lightning storms still manage to skirt
round where I am or hop North of the Downs.
West Fareham.