[WR] Haytor 24/6/05 (Awesome storms)
Will Hand wrote:
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Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
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Could not get to sleep last night. 0205 woken by heavy rain. Then at
0330 thunderstorm started and now at 0745 it is still going on !
Almost continuous loud thunder and lightning and so far 25.4 mm rain
and rain rate 1.0 mm/h . At 0405 we had a terrific bolt of C-G which
took out the power for about 10 minutes. (I had already switched the
PC off by then). At 0630 I saw a shelf cloud looking SW which looked
like something out of a movie with rotation evident. Another massive
C-G which I had to admit frightened me a bit as it was so close.
Was in an office building that was hit a couple of years ago.... now that
did alter my heart rate a little!