"Steve - www.ukspeedtraps.co.uk" wrote in message
"Pharmanaut" wrote in message
Can anyone explain the difference between these two detectors? One is by
a large weather equipment firm and the other by an amateur station. I'd
plump for the amateur myself but...
http://www.stuffmongers.com/ (Scroll down a bit..)
Remove Frontal Lobes to reply.
Both are off the same software, Nexstorm, one is an image grab and the
other is the Java system that Nexstorm works with.
The Java one is the most used as it shows 1 min real time lightning. I
also use the Java one.
What you have to remember is a single antenna system is not spot on when
it comes to position. So you are better looking at several sites and
compairing the data.
Interesting, looking at yours as well now.. Can you link two together
to get a decent sized baseline to triangulate direction? I bet it's a bit of
guesswork with only one antenna?