Low rumbling sounds all day
Hi all,
2 or 3 times today I have been hearing low pitch rumbling noises, so low
in fact, it seemed to be almost infrasound (I could almost 'feel' the
sound even though I could barely hear it). There where now reports of
thunderstorm activity in the region, the sferics animations have been
showing nothing in the Bath area and the skies where bright and clear?
(The times where approx, 11.30, 12.30 and 15.30)
If it wasn't for the fact there are no active quarries within 20 miles,
I would have said it was distant blasting. Another source of the noise I
discounted was the test ranges on Salisbury plain, I have never heard
heard them from the far side of Bath.
So, any thoughts on what I have been hearing today?
Also, there is now a solid grey cloud high cloud cover and wind is
picking up, so it does look like something may be on it's way now.