More Closures ?
Don Touhig MP, Under Secretary of State for Defence, today announced a
90-day period of consultation over possible changes in the organisation and
structure of the Met Office.
The Met Office has a network of weather centres located in London,
Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff, Belfast and Aberdeen. Launching a
consultation document about the future of weather forecasting production at
these centres, Mr Touhig said, "Like all central government organisations,
the Met Office has a responsibility to deliver value-for-money to the
taxpayer, and constantly seek more effective ways of delivering its services
to customers. The consultation document is a response to this obligation.
The consultation document sets out four distinct options and the Met Office
Board has recommended proceeding with one of these. This involves bringing
together the production of all non-military weather forecasts at its
headquarters in Exeter, Devon, as well as the partial automation of some of
its services.
Mr Touhig emphasised, however, that the final decision had not been made,
and that it rested with him. He said, "I have not taken a view on the matter
and intend to do so only when all interested parties have had an opportunity
to comment on all the options. There will be a 90-day period of full
consultation. I will then make a final decision in light of all the
arguments put forward."
Mr Touhig is sending the consultation document to all MPs with an interest,
and it has also been passed formally to Prospect - the recognised Trade
Union for Met Office staff.