Have you heard of the 'Meto Explorer' weather station/monitor?
In uk.sci.weather on Wed, 6 Jul 2005 at 10:46:22, Peter wrote :
Paul Hyett wrote:
I saw this in a shop today, but when I tried Googling for it, I only got
three hits - all in German, so I am none the wiser.
Does anyone here know anything about it?
I bought one of those in France last year. It packed up within 9
months, for the usual reasons most of these products pack up.
Which would be?
I sent it back to the address in the instruction manual; after a few
months it came back, duff as before, with a piece of paper enclosed
with some French handwritten notes from a repair shop of some sort. I
binned it.
I'd never buy any electrical/electronic equipment while overseas, simply
because of the above problem of repairs.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham