"Les Crossan" wrote in
message . uk
Michael Mcneil never wrote any of this:
"Martin Rowley" m wrote
in message
Please don't take offense at this, charlie boy but haven't I spoken to
you before about newsgroup etiquette?
Can someone send him a book on the subject please?
If I remember what my question was, the idea I couldn't get my mind
around was that the ratio was 1.3 earth radii.
Where did that come from?
Your answer (top posted (but who am I to carp?)) was:
An Informed Guess.. all radio waves are bent in the atmosphere the same
way as light bends through glass or water, the higher frequencies are
bent less but at the frequencies used there must still be enough useable
return signal at a third more distance than expected.
I may be mad, I am certainly drunk but I am not thick!!!
But now I am under the influence once more, so until I can find someone
who likes a good savaging from a Fostersmonger, I'll hold fire.
....whuwozzer qestuiwun'-yway?
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