Interesting Temp. fluctuations.
A very eratic sea breeze today gave some marked temperature variations.
Much of the day there was a sea breeze, but it's strength kept fluctuating.
At my station 800 metres from the sea, the temperature varied between 23 &
25 degrees much of the day. (It was nearer 22-23 on the sea front itself.)
Then, around 16:00BST a very light westerly replaced the onshore SSE breeze,
and within half an hour the temperature rose from around 24 to a maximum of
I'm not sure if this hot air reached the sea-front itself, as unfortunately
Penzance heliport readings haven't been update since 15:00. I rather doubt
it as a line of small cumulus marking the convergence remained virtually
overhead, then dispersed.
Currently (19:30) around 25 degrees.
A feature of this hot spell has been the weakness of the sea breeze, even
recently as the pressure has been falling.