There is a growing strand of opinion (excuse the pun) that suggest that
there are some considerable benefits to be seen from more CO2 in the
atmosphere and this article adds to this.
Good point and well done.
"Michael Mcneil" wrote in message
I taped the OU programmes from last night; running back quickly through
them just now, I came across this little gem:
There is apparently, a planet wide lack of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere according to one ecologist on the last programme "The Big
Talking about satellite analysis: different spectra of different
seasons, overlain, show that plant growth seems to be inhibited by the
lack of CO2 in their growing seasons. This is especially marked in the
However the tropical models are already at a maximum due to all the
available sunlight being used. The most substantial increase in growth
appears to be along the forested regions of the northern hemisphere.
More northerly climes are inhibited by the cold.
In the Sahel, where a higher concentration of carbon dioxide would help
faster growth -and the accompanying better water retention/recycling;
there is a striking benefit in greater concentrations of CO2 in the
models shown.
Normalised Difference Vegetation Index -but you might get more hits with
: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index e.g.:
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