Hi all,
I'm really sorry to keep bothering the newsgroup with this, but I'm writing
my dissertation on a series of storms that produced a lot of electrical
activity and hail in southern England on May 13th 2003 in unstable NW
airstream. I would be very grateful to anyone who has any data (any
whatsoever) from the area on this date.
Also, a satellite image exists that I desperately need. It is from 13th May
2003 and taken at 1704BST. It was taken by NOAA-12 AVHRR and I know it
exists as it is referenced in an article concerning the events I am trying
to analyse in Weather Vol. 58. Does anybody know how I go about finding this
image? I have tried Dundee and also Bernard Burton but this has not proved
Hopeful regards,
Jeremy Handscomb
3rd year Met. Student
Reading Uni, Berkshire