Sunday, 24 July 2005
0900 ESE F4 15km -RA 7/ST 8/SC T156D153
RMK: rain set in around 04Z and has continued, light ocnl moderate,
ever since; you can almost feel the garden breathing a sigh of relief!
screen min: 15.1 grass min: 14.6 precipitation: 3.0 ]=
1100 E F3-4 4500 RA BR 2/ST 7/ST 8/NS T163D158
RMK: steady rain continues - roughly 50/50 light to moderate. Extra
rainfall since 09Z 2.4mm (total this event so far 5.4mm)=
1330 SSE F2 25km RERADZ 2/CU 3/AC 6/CI T188D180
RMK: moderate, temporary heavy rain until ~ 1130Z, then drizzle/rain
(much of it moderate intensity), which ceased abruptly 1300Z; dramatic
change to cloud-scape then with sunshine appearing by 1310Z.
Oppressively humid atm, and the Cu (med) is showing signs of developing
rapidly - total rainfall this event so far is now 8.6mm.=
1800 SSW F3-4 40km - 1/CU 6/SC T198D126
RMK: Cu hum/fra overhead, but Cu med to distant NE over warmer (?)
urban areas. Rapid stabilisation after 1330 report, with extensive Sc by
1430Z - this now thin, allowing some occasional evening sunshine - a
pleasant end to the day.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 20.8 precipitation: 5.6
other data: total rainfall for 'current' event (i.e. since ~04Z this
morning) = 8.6 mm. All hard surfaces either dry, or drying rapidly
now - soil damp, but rainfall absorbed without problems.]
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)