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This posting expresses the personal view and opinions of the author.
Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
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Heavy rain just started here at 1252 local. No messing about straight into the
heavy stuff in true Dartmoor fashion :-)
Temperature 13.1 deg C
Dewpoint 13 deg C
Wind (est 10m) E 2 knots
Visibility 150m
Weather - heavy rain and fog - rain rate 4.8 mm/h
Bar - 1007.5 hPa - steady
Current weather updated every 10 minutes at
(Please e-mail me for permission to use these data commercially).
Heavy rain warning from the Met Office at
Take care, it's coming down steadily in torrents now at 12.0 mm/h at 1300 as I
Oooer :-)
" Visit Dartmoor National Park this summer "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
www: http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk
DISCLAIMER - All views and opinions expressed by myself are personal
and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.