I find it hard to beleive some of the Bombay rainfall totals from the
synops. Can anyone confirm or not whether this is correct or not?
AAXX 27061
43003 21393 82708 10270 20262 40022 76296 8492/ 333 58008 6013/
82709 83615 81930 88458=
AAXX 27034
43003 21393 82708 10268 20262 40014 79796 8592/ 333 20242 59002
6944/ 82708 83615 81930 88458=
Mysuspicion is the code is wrong and maybe they were trying to report
94.4mm or 89.6mm @ 00 hours
SMIN43 KAWN 270000 RRB
AAXX 27004
43003 21394 82716 10248 20248 49997 79596 8692/ 333 59007 6896/
83708 84615 82930 88458=
I am particularily interested in this one as Bombay is one location I
keep a monthly log and this may distort things somewhat.
Many thanks
Keith (Southend)