BBC Weather - Warning Page
On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 06:42:07 +0100, Paul Hyett
And as usual, f***-all happens here in Cheltenham.
Well, after all, Cheltenham was sometimes regarded as being extremely
conservative, very quiet, prim and proper - two Independent schools (
one where 'IF' was filmed in part I believe, and the other Dean Close
( nicknamed by some Dean Closet). It was one of the last urban areas
in Southern England where the police regularly biked around the place
I believe. I also believe a rather waspish woman lived there who took
on Mrs Thatcher over the Belgrano business. You have a racecourse and
a steam railway close by. And the water is good too!
Count yourself lucky- you could live in the wheely-bin on the front
door step environs of Poole or Bournemouth!
Cheers Robin