RWY-DRAP??? Any ideas
"Martin Rowley" m wrote
in message ...
"PalmTree1" paul.palmer@n'aime pas le wrote in
message ...
How about a typo for BRAP (= BRaking Action Poor) a standard US
.... well, it looks as if we were all right (in the sense that it was
something to do with dampness due to precipitation), but we were looking
for something rather complicated - when the answer was rather more
straightforward. Paul was closest, thought it wasn't a typo apparently.
I relayed the various suggestions back to my contact in Guatemala and
initially he was quite pleased with the ideas - but decided to contact
the Panamanians themselves to find out .....
The answer is that it should have been 'RWY DAMP' .. a commonly used
additional group in the 'US-style' METAR's in the New World. Apparently,
whoever it was in Panama who sets out the regulations was told that the
English word for damp was 'drap', hence the use of DRAP. He doesn't
know how long they've been using the word - I rather like the acronym
idea though ;-)