Felly sgrifennodd Trevor Appleton :
It's not so much temperature as sun. If it's sunny May to Sep then there are
very few days that aren't too hot.
I completely agree with you Trevor. Nive to know I'm not alone!
Don't get me wrong, I can lounge by a swimming pool or sea in temps of 30C,
and provided I can have a dip thats fine.
But very boring and restrictive.
Most of my spare time is spent
walking or gardening though, and the summer sun is uncomfortable for me to
work in.
Exactly the same here.
One of my best days this year was skiing from Geiterrygen to Fine at 1400M
in Norway in early March in clear blue skies. When I stopped, it was
difficult to move off, it was so pleasant lounging around in the sun. The
temperature was minus 5C.
I am extremely jealous! I was in Norway towards the beginning of last month
and experienced temperatures of 29.5 on the coast road from Trondheim to
Bodø. That was too hot. Then it rained...
I suppose my perfect summer day would be sub 546 dm air with a NW wind,
pressure 1020 and rising and breezy with low humidity. However, even then
out walking it would be very hot in the sun traps in valleys or near woods.
Yes that would suit me too. The thin cloud we fairly often get here in the
mountains is also nice, better than the hot sunshine Aberystwyth (where I
work) often experiences at the same time.
Having said that, in the winter I'd rather have the climate of Aberystwyth,
except of course when it snows!
Adrian (12 miles ESE Aberystwyth, 260m/860ft asl)
Adrian Shaw ais@
Adran Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Cymru, aber.
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru ac.
http://users.aber.ac.uk/ais uk