[OBS] Bracknell(TF) Sun 07 Aug 2005
"Martin Rowley" m wrote
in message ...
Sunday, 07 August 2005
other data: With a day max of 22 (rounded), an air-mass dew point of
around 5, not much cloud and a failing wind, it is going to be
interesting to see what the air (and grass) min is going to be; we'll
probably keep a very gentle northerly through the night, so using
McKenzie, (22+5)/2 = 13 [rounded] with 5 kn and 2 oktas cloud gives
a K value of 5 or 6, so theoretical min around 7 or 8. The strong
solar heating of the ground etc., though will play a part in
offsetting the fall of temperature. ]=
.... 8.6 in the end (air min); not too bad considering I was using the
'general' K values rather than specific ones for this site.